perl-obfus - obfuscate (make more difficult to understand) perl source code (Lite version)


perl-obfus - obfuscate (make more difficult to understand) Perl source code programs


perl-obfus-v|--version ] [ --output-line-len N ] [ --jam 0|1 ] [ --end-handling keep|skip|mangle] [ --pod-handling keep|skip ] [ --old-spacing-mode ] [ --bannerhead filename] [--bannertail filename ] [ --SN name_of_SN_sub] [--SNS name_of_SNS_sub ] [ --excludeidentsfile|-x filename ].. [ --excludeidentsfile-anycase filename ].. [ -X filename ].. [ --suffixes-asis-list filename ].. [ -F user-defined-mapping-filename ].. [ -I include-dirs ].. [ -m module ].. [ -M module ].. [ -o destination-filename ] [ -P backend-perl-path ] [ -i idents-mangling-params ] [ -n number-mangling-params ] [ -s string-mangling-params ] [ -c charcode-mangling-params ] [ -O profile-name ] file-to-obfuscate


Please note that this manual is for Lite version of Perl-Obfus. Documentation for other versions of Perl-Obfus is available on Stunnix web site:

This program turns Perl source code files into functionally equivalent Perl source code that is much more difficult to study, analyze and modify - thus providing you control over intellectual property theft. This is not compiler, thus the code it outputs will perfectly will run on all platforms it was able to run before. It does this by accessing the parsed form of the programs - thus it's MUCH more reliable than alternatives that don't do that; it supports all Perl features including all advanced ones like nested regular expressions, expressions in substitution parts of s// operator, Perl formats. It works perfectly with multi-module programs and for programs that depend on a lot of third-party modules that are not subject to obfuscation.

Standard version of Perl-Obfus by default also encodes the obfuscated version of the file and makes it self-decoding at runtime thus not requiring any standalone decoder, and making the file completely non-understandable by anybody. Lite version of Perl-Obfus lacks encoding support completely.

This program obfuscates only one perl source file at a time. By default it writes obfucated file to stdout, but it's greatly recommended to use the option -o to get the obfuscated version of the file in the file specified (since a lot of additional operations are required when simply redirecting the stdout to any file of choice). Note that the same file can't be used as an input and as an output in any case.

All comments besides the one on the first line are omitted from obfuscated file, there is no option to preserve them. It's possible to request to preserve or to omit POD documentation from obfuscated file via the use of --pod-handling option. The text after the __DATA__ and __END__ sections can be either stripped away, left as is or mangled - per the choice of the user via the use of --end-handling option (sometimes people put testsuites for the modules after the __END__). It's possible to add comments with author and copyright information to the top and to the end of the obfuscated version of the file using options --bannerhead and --bannertail respectively. Of course these comments and POD documentation will appear in clear text form in the obfuscated file, independant of whether encoding was applied to it.

The obfuscation typically means

  • replacing all symbol names it's possible to with the non-meaningfull ones, e.g. replacing variable @files with @zcadaa4fc81, while preserving synaxical and semantical correctness of the source code. Of course predefined symbols like @ARGV and symbols from the third-party or standard Perl modules the perl source code uses will be left the same so the obfuscated code will still work without requiring to obfuscate those third-party or standard Perl modules

  • substitution of numeric values with the arithmetic expressions using (random or constant for the same numeric value as requested by the options) decimial and hexadecimial numeric values that evaluate to the same value

  • using hexadecimial character codes for all characters in strings

  • replacing strings with interpolated values with the concatenation of the appropriate components

  • adding extra parenthesis for the expressions

  • removing extra white space

  • jamming as much code on each line (of length not more than specified using --output-line-len option) as possible if --jam=0 is not specified

The non-encoded obfuscated code is extremely difficult to understand for a human since the name of variables and subroutines and other symbols are totally meaningless and hard to remember (e.g. @files becomes @zcadaa4fc81). It's possible to control most aspects of obfuscation using the commandline switches of the Perl-Obfus.

If the file being obfuscated is a script (i.e. not a module), no modification to the original source file is needed for obfuscation to succeed. If the file being obfuscated is a module that exports some symbols by the use of a standard Exporter package and these symbols are used by other files that you also wish to obfuscate, then you have to make minor modification to the file (otherwise, for obvious reasons, after obfuscation, the content of @EXPORT variable will be names of non-obfuscated symbols, while the symbol names will be obfuscated. To overcome this, the perl-obfus supports two special functions with names SN and SNS (both names can be changed by the use of --SN and --SNS). First one accepts a scalar as an argument, while the second one - a list. For SN function, the special support is enabled if its argument is a constant string in single quotes. For SNS function, the special support is enabled if its arguments is a constant list produced using single qw() operator (exactly with parenthesis as delimiters). The special support is treating their arguments as symbol names, and mangling the symbol names as all symbols are mangled. I.e. SN('$a') becomes SN('$MANGLED_a') and SNS(qw($a %b)) becomes SNS(qw($MANGLED_a %MANGLED_b)) (the names of functions treated as SN and SNS will never become obfuscated - so you don't need to include them in exceptions list). Using other way of passing arguments to these two special subroutines won't enable the special treating so you should use only the supported ways only, i.e. the SN('$' . "a") or SN("\$a") or SN(q($a)) or SNS('$a','%b') or even SNS(qw[$a %b]) will be the same as before obfuscation (and thus some symbols won't be exported from the module being obfuscated). Also SN and SNS should be used if your code generates strings that are then eval'ed - e.g. instead of eval('$abc = '. "$value;") you should write eval(SN('$abc') . " = $value;"). If you also need to run your code non-obfuscated too, you should cut and paste definitions of the subroutines SN and SNS as following:

     sub SN { '';$_[0]; }
     sub SNS { '';@_; }

Note, that sometimes you will have to put this inside a BEGIN{} block in order these subroutines to be visible at the point where they are used.

The script starts a pipe to another (backend) perl process that does part of the processing. Note that rather fresh version of perl is required for backend - 5.7.2 or above, so in some cases you'll have to install it in parallel to the version of the perl you are using. So you may be required to pass the location and probably ionvokation options for the perl interpreter used as a backend using -P switch - e.g. -P '/usr/local/bin/perl'.

You don't need to install all modules used by the code you are obfuscating for the version of perl used for backend.

If the code being obfuscated expects modules in non-standard locations or needs them preloaded and requires specifying them to be performed via usual perl's switches -I, -m, -M, then you will have to pass the same set of switches to the perl-obfus (they will be passed to perl backend for it to be able to analyze the source code properly).

As was said above, the symbols from third-party and standard modules won't be mangled. But user needs to gather a list of such symbol names (called exceptions from this point) using a dedicated utility, and pointing the names of files with exceptions using --excludeidentsfile or --excludeidentsfile-anycase options. For convenience, there is a -X switch that can be passed multiplie times to specifies the names of files in which list of exceptions to ignore are stored.


It's possible to store the default commandline options in the globally-visible file $instroot/lib/perl-obfus/ (where $instroot is a directory in which the Perl-Obfus package was installed to). See comments in that file for more information.

Note that there is interacive web-based commandline builder for Perl-Obfus available at

Output version information and exit.

--output-line-len N
Set the maximum line length for the obfuscated file. However, if some string constant will be longer than this limit, it won't be split or otherwise wrapped, resulting in a line longer than an amount specified. The default value for parameter N is 80.

--jam 0|1
Control whether to omit extra white spaces. When argument is 1, all extra white spaces (including carridge returns) are omitted, that makes the obfuscated file looking even less readable. When argument is 0, the obfuscated (but not encoded) file will look like prettyprinted version of the original file with respect to spaces and newlines. By default jamming is enabled (value is 1). It's highly recommended not to turn it off since there are some bugs in the perl interpreter that may make appearing obfuscated files syntaxically incorrect.

--end-handling keep|skip|mangle
Select the way text after __DATA__ or __END__ is handled. The mangle means treat text after __DATA__ or __END__ as perl source code that should be obfuscated, meaning of keep and skip should be obvious. Note that __END__ will become __DATA__ in the obfuscated file (this is really innocent). Default value is keep.

--pod-handling keep|skip
Select the way POD (plain old documentation) inside source code is handled. Default value is keep.

Select spacing algorithm (that decided where space characters were needed between lexems) that was the only available in versions of Perl-Obfus prior to 1.6. This option is present for backward compatibility.

Note that extra spaces in the lines (whitespaces and tabs) won't correspond to the ones in the original file, but to certain prettyprinted version of it.

--bannerhead filename
--bannertail filename
Specify the file whoose content will be prepended or appended to the obfuscated file. This is most useful for adding comments with copyright and license information. Such comments will be visible as clear text in any file that was obfuscated and/or encoded.

Note: use --bannertail only for files that don't have __END__ or __DATA__ sections, since otherwise these sections will be corrupted (since banner will be appended after the __END__ or __DATA__ sections).

--SN name_of_SN_sub
--SNS name_of_SNS_sub
Specify the names of the subs that will be treated as SN and SNS. See above for the description on what these subs are for. Default values are of course SN and SNS.

-I include-dirs
-m module
-M module
The options can be specified more than once and along with their values are passed down to the perl interpreter used as a backend, so read more about their meaning in the Perl documentation (perlrun). In most cases there is no need to use these options if the code being obfuscated runs without passing -I/-m/-M options. By default no additional -I/-m/-M options are passed to perl interpreter used for backend.

-P backend-perl-path
Specify the perl interpreter used for backend, and if necessary, additional options to pass to that perl interpreter. Note: the perl interpreter should be of version 5.7.2 or above! If you don't have such recent perl installed, you'll have to install it in parallel into some non-standard directory. The default value for this option is perl (i.e. perl will be searched in the default search path). If your base perl interpreter is older than 5.7.2, then you may wish to store the default argument for this option for use by all users of your host - see the very begining of the section OPTIONS for more information.

-o destination-filename
Output the obfuscated version to the named file. If such file exists, it will be deleted before writing to it. On unix, the permissions of the source file will obey current umask and the executable bit will be set for everybody if the input file was executable. It's highly recommended to use this option instead of using redirection available in your shell or you'll get into the trouble if the file being obfuscated references packages defined in itself. There is no default value for this option - i.e. the obfuscated file is written to stdout by default.

--excludeidentsfile filename
-x filename
This option can be specified more than once. It allows to specify the names of files that contain a list of symbol names that won't be mangled, one symbol per line. Such symbols are called exceptions from this point. Comments are allowed in such files by placing a hash sign (#) as the first character of the line. The file name specified is first searched in the current directory (if it's not absolute path), and then in the subdirectory lib/perl-obfus/exceptions/ of the directory where Perl-Obfus was installed to. Most of the exceptions are generated using script. In very few cases users will have to manually extend a set of exceptions using hand-written files - see the description of the syntax of such files in the's manual. There is no need to add perl special variables like @ARGV and builtin subroutines like open - they are already hardcoded in the perl-obfus.

It's possible to remove symbols from lists of exceptions by passing names of files with these symbol names using -X switch.

The filename can be name of directory, in this case all files located in this directory and any of its subdirectories (at any depth) are loaded as if the names of these files were specified individually one-by-one.

--excludeidentsfile-anycase filename
This option is very similar to --excludeidentsfile, except that symbols read from the specified file are treated as case-insensitive exceptions. This functionality is useful for listing methods and properties of ActiveX objects, that are case-insensitive.

The filename can be name of directory, in this case all files located in this directory and any of its subdirectories (at any depth) are loaded as if the names of these files were specified individually one-by-one.

-X filename
This option can be specified more than once. It allows to specify the names of files that contain a list of symbol names that should be mangled, even if those symbol names were in the files with names passed with -x switch (i.e. for disabling some exceptions). At first files specified with -x switch are processed, and then files specified with -X switch are processed.

Comments are allowed in such files by placing a hash sign (#) as the first character of the line. The file name specified is first searched in the current directory (if it's not absolute path), and then in the subdirectory lib/perl-obfus/exceptions/ of the directory where Perl-Obfus was installed to.

This option is mostly useful in case the set of exceptions created from builtin list and content of files passed with -x switch is too broad.

The filename can be name of directory, in this case all files located in this directory and any of its subdirectories (at any depth) are loaded as if the names of these files were specified individually one-by-one.

--suffixes-asis-list filename
This option can be specified more than once. It allows to specify the names of files that contain a list of suffixes that should be preserved in symbols being mangled. E.g. if suffix onclick is listed in some file mentioned by this option, then symbol myButton_onclick will be mangled to something like z2b9a0ec6d_onclick, rather than to something like za40f93e635d.

Comments are allowed in such files by placing a hash sign (#) as the first character of the line. The file name specified is first searched in the current directory (if it's not absolute path), and then in the subdirectory lib/perl-obfus/exceptions/ of the directory where Perl-Obfus was installed to.

This option is mostly useful for protecting code for environments, that scan name of symbol for some suffix in order to treat the symbol specially.

The filename can be name of directory, in this case all files located in this directory and any of its subdirectories (at any depth) are loaded as if the names of these files were specified individually one-by-one.

-F user-defined-mapping-filename
This option can be specified more than once. It allows to specify the names of files that contain user-specified mapping of symbols.

Comments are allowed in such files by placing a hash sign (#) as the first character of the line. Each line in such file contains two symbols: name of original symbol, one or more space characters, and required resultant symbol.

In case some mangling engine decides to assign a symbol that is listed as resultant symbol, special attempts will be made to guarantee that the symbol chosen by obfuscation engine won't conflict with it (by adding prefixes until unqueness is reached).


-i idents-mangling-params
-n number-mangling-params
-s string-mangling-params
-c charcode-mangling-params
Specify options for mangling of tokens of each type. The argument is mangling-specification, that has the following syntax:


Tokens of each type can be mangled using different approaches, each approach corresponds to obfuscator, identified by obfuscator-title. Each obfuscator can have options that alter its behaviour, in order to specify them the comma separated option=value pairs may follow obfuscator-title after a comma.

The mangling-specification specifies all details on how to mangle tokens of each type, so if multiplie occurences of the option are specified, the last one is taken into the effect.

For each type of token a special obfuscator with title none is available - it doesn't alter the tokens in any way.

Here is a list of obfuscators for each type of the token, with the options they support.

-i = obfuscators for symbol names
It's obvious that symbols with the same name should be obfuscated to the same name, independant of location in the program these symbol names are locatged. It also should be obvious that entire set of modules and scripts that uses them should be obfuscated using the same value of mangling-specification - otherwise there will appear undeclared symbols.
obfuscator none
Selecting this obfuscator will keep symbol names unchanged.

obfuscator combs
This obfuscator replaces names of symbols with names consisting of all possible combinations of characters, specified via option spec, of the length specified via option minlen. E.g. it can replace formname with IlI and mystr with llI (which both look very similar to the human eye) if user specified the value of spec option as Il. The resulting symbol name depends only on original symbol name and the value of seed option, calculation of some md5 sum of the string formed from these two items is used to generate resultant symbol name. The md5 algorithm can produce same sum value for different arguments - in which case so-called md5sum-collision occurs. The detection of collisions for symbols in the current file is done automatically. It's possible to activate detection of collisions for symbols in entire project by the use of adhere-mapfile option of this symbol obfuscator. If option adhere-mapping is specified for this obfuscator and has non-zero value and if mapfile name is specified via global option -d, then Perl-Obfus will read specified mapfile at startup, and will try to lookup the original symbol names in it and use a replacement from that file if found; it will also ensure that protected symbols that were produced during that invokation of Perl-Obfus are not assigned to any symbol listed in mapfile (and if it encounters some obfuscated symbol it was going to use as a replacement as being used as a replacement for another symbol (i.e. so-called ``hash-collision'' occurs) then execution of Perl-Obfus is aborted with error message - in which case it's necessary to clear mapfile, change the seed and/or increase value of len option and protect entire application again); after processing completes, mapfile will be updated as usual. Note, that shortest symbol obfuscator also can generate protected symbols using all possible combinations of characters, but it allows to generate shortest names possible at the same time (by requiring 2 passes on each source file).


See description of combs obfuscator for more information on this option. The default value is 0.

The value of this option affects the order in which all possible combinations of characters used for symbol name are chosen. The value can be arbitrary string.

Minimal length of generated symbol. Once all combinations of characters of a given length were used for generating symbol names, the length of resultant symbol name is automatically increased. This means it's not necessary to make the value of this option very long - set it to big enough value that makes your code acceptably unreadable and acceptably big. It's impossible to assign value lower than 4 to this option. The default value is for this option is 10.

The value of this option instructs which characters can be used for generating names of symbols, the value should either be string that is a concatenation of all characters possible in the resultant symbol name, e.g. Il or OQ, or a couple of such strings separated by colon, in which case a string before the colon specifies characters that can be used for leading symbol's character, and string after the colon specifies characters that can be used for all characters of the symbol except the first (the leading) - e.g. lI:lI1 or O:O0. The recommended values are lI, O:O0 and lI:lI1. If this option is not specified, it's assumed that all characters allowed for Perl language to be used for symbols can form a resultant symbol name.

obfuscator md5
This obfuscator calculates md5 sum of the string produced by concatentation of a constant prefix (that can be passed via seed option) and the symbol name to be obfuscated. After that from the hexadecimial representation of the md5sum several (exact length is specified using len option) leading characters are appended to another prefix (that can be set via prefix option) to form obfuscated symbol name.

It's obvious that in theory it's possible to get md5sum collision - the critical situation when two different symbols will be obfuscated to the same symbol name. When such situation is detected, the obfuscation is aborted. The detection of collisions for symbols in the current file is done automatically. If detection of collisions for symbols in entire project is required, one can use adhere-mapfile option for enforcing uniqueness of protected symbols across all files - please read the description of symbol name obfuscator combs. The only solution in case md5sum collision is detected is to change the value of the seed option or to increase the value of the len option. However, such situations are very rare.

This is the default obfuscator for symbol names.


See description of combs obfuscator for more information on this option. The default value is 0.

See above for a description of this option. The value can be arbitrary string. The default value is generated as random string at the Perl-Obfus suite installation time, so it will be unique for each user of Perl-Obfus.

Specifies how many characters of the hexadecimial representation of the md5 sum to use for obfuscated name of the symbol. The less the value, the shorter all identifiers will be, the smaller obfuscated code will become, and the easier it will be for human to study the code. Also increasing the value lowers the probability of md5sum collision. The default value is 10.

Specifies the prefix of all mangled symbol names. It should non-empty string (one character is enough) just because hex representation of md5sum can begin with a digit. There is no point in changing the prefix. The default value is z.

obfuscator prefix
This obfuscator just prepends the same string (specified via str option) to all symbol names to get the obfuscated symbol name. This obfuscator is designed to be used for initial testing of obfuscated code for locations of use of undeclared symbols in obfuscated code. It's obvious that while testing obfuscated code it's much more easier to find out what symbol is undeclared if it's trivial to correlate that symbol of the obfuscated program with the symbol of the non-obfuscated program.


The string to prepend to all symbol names. Default value is Z439Z_.

-n = obfuscators for numeric constants
There is only one non-trivial obfuscator for numeric constants currently - sum3. It's the default.
obfuscator none
Selecting this obfuscator will keep numbers unchanged.

obfuscator sum3
This obfuscator replaces the constant value with an arithmetic expression consisting of addition and substraction operations on either 3 constant numeric values (in case no asserters were enabled) or 2 constant numeric values and 1 constant variable (in case some asserters were enabled - please note that asserters are not supported in Lite version of the Product), which are represented as decimial and hexadecimial values (their radixes can be changed by altering format option). For different occurencies of the same constant numeric values, the choice is provided between using the same values used in expressions, or using 2 random values and one computed - this is controlled using const option. If you wish to make analysis of the differencies between revisions of your software more difficult, you should request the use of 2 random values and one computed in the expression - this way after each obfuscation each obfuscated file will differ from the previous run of obfuscator. This is the default obfuscator (in fact it's the only non-trvial one for numeric constants).


Specifies whether for the same numeric constant the obfuscation should produce different substitution expression (the value for the option is 0) or same expressuib (the value for the option is 1). Default value is 0.

Specifies the sprintf format string for the obfuscated substitutor. The default value is (0x%04x+% 4d-0x%04x).

-s = obfuscators for string constants
These make constant strings more difficult to read. The default string obfuscator is hexchar. The default string obfuscator is none - that is, strings are not mangled at all.
obfuscator none
Selecting this obfuscator will keep strings unchanged.

obfuscator hexchar
This obfuscator substitutes each character of the string with reverse slash and it's code, by default in hexadecimial notation - e.g. string ``abc'' is substituted with ``\x61\x62\x63''.
Specifies the sprintf format string for each character's substitutor. The default value is '\\x%x'.

obfuscator list4chr
This obfuscator substitutes a string with the (join(``'',map { chr($_); } (@list_of_character_codes)). The @list_of_character_codes is inline list of expressions that evaluate to integers. Each item in the list corresponds to the character of the string being obfuscated. Each character is created by composing a character with code computed as numeric expression that is produced using obfuscator for numeric constants; the parameters for this obfuscator are passed using -c option and have the same meaning as parameters to the obfuscator for numeric constants passed using -n option. The default value of parameter for the -c option is the same as for -n. The list4chr obfuscator is designed in order to make automatic deobfuscation of string constants someone may like to implement more complicated.

-c = obfuscator for character codes
Please read the description of the list4chr obfuscator for string codes (a previous paragraph). none obfuscator will not obfuscate character codes at all (but the string will still be unreadable).

-O profile-params
Tune the behaviour of the Perl-Obfus for some specific dialect or environment.

The argument is profile-params, that has the following syntax:


There are several profiles available. The profile is selected by profile-name. Each profile can have options that alter its behaviour, in order to specify them the comma separated option=value pairs may follow profile-name after a comma.

The following values for profile-name are available:

Selects default Perl dialect.

The profile with name default is the default profile.

All profiles have the following options (specified in the way options for manglers and extractors are specified):

Specifies whether dynamic Perl code (the code generated on the fly) should be obfuscated. See the description of the option with the same name for asp extractor.

Specifies names of objects and methods whoose arguments should be scanned for dynamic Perl code. See the description of the option with the same name for asp extractor.


In case of an error, the exit code will be non-zero, otherwise the exit code will be zero.


On successful processing of the file, the message 'input-filename syntax OK' to stderr. The processing will stop if there is a syntax error in the file being obfuscated or in the file it uses - in that case location and details of syntax error will be printed to stderr.


Please note that some examples include switches not supported by Lite version of Perl-Obfus.

The following commandline obfuscates and encodes file using default parameters and exceptions from file named ./excepts, writing obfuscated and encoded version to

    perl-obfus -o -x ./excepts

The following commandline is recommended way of obfuscating file for shipping using default parameters and exceptions from file named ./excepts, writing obfuscated and encoded version to (the main difference from previous example is passing the value of the seed parameter for obfuscator routine for symbol names):

    perl-obfus -o -x ./excepts -i md5,seed=SomeRandomString

The following commandline is a recommended for producing the mildly-obfuscated non-encoded version of the that is ideal for testing whether the obfuscated code has no problems like use of undefined symbols (that may arise due to insufficiently complete list of exceptions in file ./excepts) :

    perl-obfus -e 0 -o -x ./excepts -n none -s none -i prefix,str=ZZZ

The following commandlines are a sample of passing same set values for all options to the md5 obfuscator routine for symbol names. It obfuscates and encodes file, writing obfuscated and encoded version of the file to

    perl-obfus -o -i md5,seed=57823,prefix=p,len=5
    perl-obfus -o -i 'md5,prefix=p, seed=57823 , len=5'

The following example obfuscates and encodes file, writing obfuscated and encoded version of the file to, with embedding code for license checking that allows the code to be executed itself till 28 April 2005; upon expiration of the code default message is printed:

    perl-obfus -o 
        -T 'expire,whenexpires=28 April 2005,onviolated-warn=1' 
        -H hosttails,,onviolated-warn=1


It's possible to store the default commandline options in the globally-visible file $instroot/lib/perl-obfus/ (where $instroot is a directory in which the Perl-Obfus package was installed to) which is a Perl module. This file defines one sub cmnargs that should return a list of options to be prepended to actual commandline the perl-obfus, thus allowing to store ``persistent settings'' for perl-obfus. It is most useful for specifying the location of perl used for backend (that should be a perl of version 5.7.2 or greater).


Here is a list of mostly innocent caveats.

  • __END__ section becomes __DATA__ in the output. Mostly it won't make any difference to your code.

  • __LINE__ in the input file turns into line number (a numeric constant) in obfuscated file.

  • The perl code in substitution part of s///e won't be obfuscated heavily - only the identifiers will be mangled properly in order code to work correctly, but no integer, string and whitespace mangling will be applied to the code.

  • It's recommended to turn some perl warnings off for obfuscated files, since due to jamming white space there will appear some constructs for which perl will issue a warning.


  • With -jam=0 some obfuscated code does not work (gives syntax error due to strange sensitivity of perl to linebreaks). Better use -jam=1 with -output_line_len=80 to get working and somewhat readable code.

  • Constants implemented as subs may get inlined in the file they are defined, and the sub definitions theirself may disappear from the obfuscated file corresponding to the file they were defined in (and the the values these subs return will be substituted in the places where these subs are invoked). To solve this problem, just add a my-scoped list variables initialized with the references to these subroutines.

  • A class of problems may arise with the obfuscated code due to abnormal sensitivity of perl parser to the extra white space. The following subs act different due to features of (or bugs in) perl parser:
        sub f { { "blah"
        , 2}; };
        sub g { { "blah", 2}; };

    Here f() returns integer 2, g() returns reference to anonymous hash - though the difference is only in amount of whitespace (whether there is a newline after ``blah''). Since perl-obfus removes extra whitespaces (and wraps line in order it not to be longer that the constant you specified) the behaviour of functions can change. You should not write the code that is sensitive to whitespace and perl parser bugs in general - so you should add explicit return in f and g if you want them to return ref to hash.

See section NOTES for troubleshooting instructions.


In most cases, once properly prepared for obfuscation, obfuscated version of the code should work the same as non-obfuscated. It's recommended to check obfuscated version of the code for the use of undeclared subroutines using script - this will help to detect incomplete set of symbol name exceptions. After fixing the issues with incomplete set of exceptions, it's recommended to check whether ofbuscated code behaves exactly the same as original - by using pre-existing testsuite or checking functionality manually.

If some obfuscated code is syntaxically correct but works differently than original version , obfuscate it without encoding and string, integer and ident mangling (but with -jam=1), as following:

Then try to run it again. If it still does not work correctly, find the source file which is guilty by replacing each of the obfuscated files with original ones one by one. After you have found the file that contains the problem, append the definitions of all functions from the source file to that target file and by temporary renaming function names in the appended part to something else (e.g. by suffixing the names with '1' or 'blah') you will be able to find the function that is guilty. Same process can be applied to the blocks in the guilty function too (just replace obfuscated parts with source parts) to find out which part of the obfuscate function is misbehaving.

Having found the function block that misbehaves, that block should be modified in order the obfuscated version to have the same functionality as original code.