Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator Project Manager

Project dialog
Project title
Title of the project - it can contain any characters.
Input directory name
Topmost directory that contains all files of your project. Output directory and directory for state files should not be subdirectories of it.
Output directory name
Directory that will contain protected version of your project. All subdirectories your project has will automatically be created in it. It's possible and very recommended to use directory names relative to the Input directory name - this way you won't have to change much in the project options if you will decide to move project to the new directory; it will make hand-editing of exported buildscripts easier.
State files directory
Directory that will contain various state files for your project - lists of extracted symbols, buildscripts and other types of files. Cleaning it will slow down rebuilding process, so don't assign the name to the common temporary directory for your operating system or user account; that directory shouldn't be shared with other projects, or strange behaviour is guaranteed. The content of this directory is autogenerated automatically if lost, so feel free to clear it once you've finished protecting your applicaiton.
Commandline to run before building project
A command that is run when you invoke any "Rebuild" action in the Build menu, before building the project. This setting is optional. The current directory is set to input directory of the project when invoking that command.
Commandline to run after building project
A command that is run when you invoke any "Rebuild" action in the Build menu, after building the project. This setting is optional. The current directory is set to input directory of the project when invoking that command. It's run before testing command.
Commandline to run for testing
A command that is run when you invoke Build->Rebuild changed & Test once rebuilding is complete. This setting is optional. Useful for starting browser or validator for the protected project. The current directory is set to input directory of the project when invoking that command.
Code type (optional)
Type of majority of code your project contains. Selecting proper type increases chances for automatic mode assignment to guess type of each file of your project properly (though of course you will be able to specify file type manually).
List of file-processing modes
Lists all file-processing modes of your project, clicking on th title of the mode opens options for that mode. You can assign only one file-processing mode for each file of your project. When project is created, it's filled with standard modes.
Open project dialog
This dialog lists all projects that were ever created or imported on this computer, click on a title of any project to open it.
Mode settings dialog
Title of the mode. Can contain any characters. It's used in drop-down lists, so use short titles if possible (20-30 characters).
Parent mode
Select name of the mode from which protection settings will be inherrited. If the checkbox before the protection setting is checked, the specified value of setting will be user, otherwise it will be inherrited from the parent mode.
Visible in filer
Specifies whether the mode can be assigned to the file of the project. If you wish to have some mode just for inheriting protection settings by child modes from it, uncheck this checkbutton.
Description of the mode
Description of the mode, for documentation purposes only.
View resultant settings
Shows the effecting protection settings for this mode, which are computed by recursively using non-overriden settings from parent modes.
View resultant commandline
Shows the effecting commandline computed from protection settings of this mode and its parents.
Overriden settings
Shows the protection settings for that mode. If setting is not overriden (i.e. if checkbox before it is not checked), then the setting with same name is checked in the parent mode; if it's not overriden in the parent, the parent of the parent is checked; if the setting is overriden, its value is used as an effective value for corresponding setting.
Set settings to defaults
Sets values of protection settings to their default values, and saves them. This doesn't affect the state of overriding of each setting.
Tools, commandline builder
This dialog allows to build commandlines without creating new project.