
This extension manages SQLite tables residing on CDROM. It can be configured to copy SQLite database files each time Stunnix Perl Web Server is run, or only at first invokation of Stunnix Perl Web Server by this user on a given computer, or not copy at all (if database is used only for reading data).

Storing only single copy of SQLite tables is perfectly acceptable since format of SQLite database files is CPU- and OS-independant. The SQLite database files should be put to /extensions/data/sqlite_data/. Scripts should find out the directory with SQLite files using environment variable 'SQLITE_TABLES'.


This extension accepts option 'copy_to_hdd' specified via /site/config/extlist.conf file; possible values for this option are no (if you access database only for reading, specifying this option will leave database files on the CDROM), once (thus database files are copied only at first invokation of Stunnix Perl Web Server by this user on the computer to the temporary directory, preserving all changes made to database by user during all their invokations of Stunnix Perl Web Server until user cleans all temp files), once_to_permdir (the database files are copied only at first invokation of Stunnix Perl Web Server by this user on the computer to the permament directory, preserving all changes made to database by user during all their invokations of Stunnix Perl Web Server) and always (database files are copied each time Stunnix Perl Web Server is run).

If data is copied from CDROM, you may wish to activate sqlite_remove_data_copied_on_exit extension to remove database files from disk during shutdown of Stunnix Perl Web Server.