
This extension allows to use PHP scripts of corresponding version in sites running Stunnix Perl Web Server. There is no need to "port" any script to work under Stunnix Perl Web Server, all scripts should work as is.

The implementations of extension should be extracted to /extensions/engines.

The implementations for this extension have the following sizes on CDROM: Windows: 15Mb, Linux: 5Mb, MacOSX: 5.6Mb.

Implementations of this extension are not included with distribution of SPWS, one has to download them separately and put to appropriate directory.


This extension supports pptions decoder_ioncube_disable (boolean, default value is 0) and decoder_zend_disable (boolean, default is 0), they can be set in /site/config/extlist.conf file.

Scripts are run using PHP CGI SAPI module. For Linux and Windows CLI SAPI module is also included, CLI SAPI module for MacOSX is not included. To see a list of modules and version of PHP available for a given platform, go to the appropriate directory (/extensions/engines/php4-*) and read README-SPWS.txt and phpinfo.html files there.

Implementations of PHP4 available from us for all platforms do not have any dependencies since all third-party libraries are statically linked with them, so they don't require any non-standard libraries installed on user's computer to run. Full version of PHP (for development stage) should be acquired from It's not recommended to extract versions available from there to the /extensions/engines, see below for more details.


In order to simplify maintenance and reduce size of implementaions, PHP extension configures PHP interpreter to extend PHP's "include_path" to also contain /extensions/engines-noarch-custom/php and /extensions/engines-noarch-standard/php/, so it's adviceable to put PHP classes to either of these directories.

Rebuilding PHP

It's of course possible to rebuild PHP yourself, in case you need some php extensions not available in the version of PHP we provide. Please be sure to build CGI SAPI binary too.

For Windows version, rename it to 'php-cgi.exe' and execute command 'exetype php-cgi.exe WINDOWS' to turn it from Win32 Console Application into Win32 GUI application in order console window not to appear each time PHP interpreter is run.

For Linux and MacOSX versions, please insure that you've linked statically all libraries except ones that are part of C/C++ library.

Feel free to contact us for more information.